Saturday, July 4, 2009

My One Outstanding Virtue

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

There are many virtues that can help me in my journey. But for me, I choose discipline. The meaning of discipline for me is training to act in accordance with rules. If a person who is discipline, he/she can make his/her job very well. If I apply it in my college, I can study well and surely I will graduate. For me also, I will mix discipline with fun. If an ordinary person hears a “self – discipline”, he or she will think military rules and no fun will happen. But for me, discipline is a virtue that will help a person to be professional and being professional will not be completed if you don’t know how to laugh or smile. The main reason that I want this virtue is: I see it in my friend of mine. When I see him, I feel that I should respect him. That friend of mine has a good life, I’m sure that the reason of his success in his life is discipline.

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