Sunday, August 2, 2009

“The Most Challenging Thing that I have ever Accomplish”

“The Most Challenging Thing that I have ever Accomplish”

As I reflected, there’s a question comes to my mind… Do I accomplish a challenging thing? I look back in my high school and… I think that I accomplish something. There are lots of challenges enter in one person. Each person will carry challenge. My challenge that I take first in my high school is to graduate. It is like a simple challenge when I think it, but when I reach 4th year… that idea was changed. I need to balance my studies and my varsity. I had also a thesis to finish. A thesis is not being done in one day but it will be done in 4 quarters.

As I take all that challenge, the first thing that enters to my mind is to take the challenge simple. Do your work with your whole idea and take a proper rest. I also forget to include house chores to the challenges. I need rest because every afternoon I need to practice in our varsity team. At the end, the results appear… we lose the cup early. That is a sad thing… despite of that, I pass the thesis and my teacher gave us a high score. That is one of the remarkable days in my high school. Because before you pass the thesis… there’s a thesis defense will happen first before we pass our thesis. If there’s no thesis that will be passed… no graduation. In graduation, I take the highest award in the school and that award is not based on the academics, but the character. I didn’t receive any academic awards even salutatorian and valedictorian but I receive service awards from different groups and I receive the highest award of the school. The feeling that I had is unexplainable happiness. A happiness that I can’t remove the smile that had been created in my face.

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