Saturday, August 15, 2009

Responsiblity(9th journal entry)

For me, a responsible person means a person do his/her obligated agendas. Responsibility is the value that my dad trains to me. He start train me when I’m grade 3. My dad is a cockfighter and he owns a small farm. I am the one who entrusted to feed the roosters every afternoon. That is one of my responsibilities, and I have many obligations to do more. We have a dogs and I must also feed it. I must also clean the house of the roosters that I find out difficult. There is a time that I feel angry to my dad because I feel that he treat me like a house helper. When I’m in high school, the obligations that I had are added and that is the house chores. In that time I feel that I want to rebel because I am studying well and he treat me in the house like a house helper. When he hears what I said, he explains to me why he does that. I didn’t understand what he wants to say. Time goes by and I handle a responsibility in the school. I realize that I find out easy to handle things like that. In the end, I became proud to my dad because he makes me this.

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