Tuesday, August 18, 2009

4th journal entry

When I think my positive traits, I think deeply if I do those positive traits. I feel that… making right a thing is an ordinary thing in my daily life. I treat my fellow classmates and my teachers and other students in the mcl as a people who must be respected. Even though I do not know them, I must be respectful to them. I also interested to have many friends because that will be an advantage of being successful in life. Having many friends also makes you happy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

10th journal entry

I experience one negative peer pressure when I’m in high school. They told to me that they will have an “inuman session” in one of the house of my classmate and that will happen after our JS prom. First, I think that my parents will not agree that I will get drunk. I also didn’t agree to go with my classmates, but they have many reasons. First, that “inuman session” will be sometimes only in individual life. Second, they reason to me that we were friends since first year high school and I should trust them. And many reasons come and until I agree. The problem is…. What will I say to my parents? My friends told to me that I will only having a sleepover in the house of my classmate. Time goes by and the prom night came, in that time I agree with them and join them in the session. After that night, I feel… guilty because I didn’t something wrong. But in the end, my friends told to me that an “inuman session” must be done occasionally only. They told to me also that drinking alcoholic drinks must be done only every celebration.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Responsiblity(9th journal entry)

For me, a responsible person means a person do his/her obligated agendas. Responsibility is the value that my dad trains to me. He start train me when I’m grade 3. My dad is a cockfighter and he owns a small farm. I am the one who entrusted to feed the roosters every afternoon. That is one of my responsibilities, and I have many obligations to do more. We have a dogs and I must also feed it. I must also clean the house of the roosters that I find out difficult. There is a time that I feel angry to my dad because I feel that he treat me like a house helper. When I’m in high school, the obligations that I had are added and that is the house chores. In that time I feel that I want to rebel because I am studying well and he treat me in the house like a house helper. When he hears what I said, he explains to me why he does that. I didn’t understand what he wants to say. Time goes by and I handle a responsibility in the school. I realize that I find out easy to handle things like that. In the end, I became proud to my dad because he makes me this.

8th journal entry

The challenge that I take is admit mistakes. In that challenge, it will shows the value of being humble. I also accomplish the challenge that I take. It feels that I built a trust on him and trust to myself. I person who admit his/her mistakes can easily got friends. Because in that attitude, it will show to the person that you had a kind personality.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


When I review my health, I found out that I am over weight. It means that I must reduce my foods and I need more exercise. But, it is like a challenge to me because I need to discipline myself in terms of eating. I also want to play basketball as my exercise but I had no time to play. I had no vices like drinking beer and gin, I not also trying to smoke because I know the consequences. I also didn’t even try to take drugs because I know that it will ruin everything in my life. Once you became addict on it, it will be hard to recover everything.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I choose to recite in class at least once in any course. In this challenge… I realize that the professor will recognize me in every meeting. They will also easily know me easily. I try to take the other challenge like getting a high score in quiz and seat work. I accomplish also that challenge because I know that I study before I enter the room. And for the last challenge… to submit a quality assignment or requirement… I know that I must to do it more seriously. I got low score in the drawing because the assignment is not presentably done. I do the challenge every day because I know that it will help me in my finals. The feeling that I got every accomplishment is happiness.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

“The Most Challenging Thing that I have ever Accomplish”

“The Most Challenging Thing that I have ever Accomplish”

As I reflected, there’s a question comes to my mind… Do I accomplish a challenging thing? I look back in my high school and… I think that I accomplish something. There are lots of challenges enter in one person. Each person will carry challenge. My challenge that I take first in my high school is to graduate. It is like a simple challenge when I think it, but when I reach 4th year… that idea was changed. I need to balance my studies and my varsity. I had also a thesis to finish. A thesis is not being done in one day but it will be done in 4 quarters.

As I take all that challenge, the first thing that enters to my mind is to take the challenge simple. Do your work with your whole idea and take a proper rest. I also forget to include house chores to the challenges. I need rest because every afternoon I need to practice in our varsity team. At the end, the results appear… we lose the cup early. That is a sad thing… despite of that, I pass the thesis and my teacher gave us a high score. That is one of the remarkable days in my high school. Because before you pass the thesis… there’s a thesis defense will happen first before we pass our thesis. If there’s no thesis that will be passed… no graduation. In graduation, I take the highest award in the school and that award is not based on the academics, but the character. I didn’t receive any academic awards even salutatorian and valedictorian but I receive service awards from different groups and I receive the highest award of the school. The feeling that I had is unexplainable happiness. A happiness that I can’t remove the smile that had been created in my face.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My One Outstanding Virtue

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

There are many virtues that can help me in my journey. But for me, I choose discipline. The meaning of discipline for me is training to act in accordance with rules. If a person who is discipline, he/she can make his/her job very well. If I apply it in my college, I can study well and surely I will graduate. For me also, I will mix discipline with fun. If an ordinary person hears a “self – discipline”, he or she will think military rules and no fun will happen. But for me, discipline is a virtue that will help a person to be professional and being professional will not be completed if you don’t know how to laugh or smile. The main reason that I want this virtue is: I see it in my friend of mine. When I see him, I feel that I should respect him. That friend of mine has a good life, I’m sure that the reason of his success in his life is discipline.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Sunday, June 21, 2009


Name: Cervancia, John Christopher R. Date: June 28, 2009

Program: CE – 1

Assignment # 2

My first selection in the 107 values is discipline. I take it first because in this present time, there are many temptations and I know that if I am discipline to myself, I can surpass it. My 2nd value is Simplicity. I know that simplicity can take me away from any issues. Having simple life makes me happy. And my 3rd value is connected in my 2nd value, content over form. I am contented in my life. Have friends, fun and finish all of your responsibility. My 4th value is fairness. I always challenge myself that I will accomplish all of my responsibilities without any cheating. My 5th value is practicality. In this present time, I see that I can be successful if I take all of the things that I needed. I must not waste anything from my parent that has given to me. I must use wise. My 6th value is fun. My life will be not complete if there’s no fun. All of the things that I took have a fun. I believe that I can surpass a responsibility or a work easily if there’s fun. My 7th value is challenge. I had a motto in my life, “take a simple thing or work as a challenge to make it better”. When you challenge your self, you will work it hard on it and there’s a better result. My 8th value is accomplishment/success. Every human that GOD created is unique. And it every human must have an accomplishment done in his/her life. My 9th value is truth. As long as you have this value, you will be never being afraid in any problems that you will face. My last and 10th value is gratitude. If I became successful someday, I will give gratitude to all people who make me successful.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


1. How does Values Education work to your advantage?

In Values Education, it will help me to build my character. I will not become a successful person if I wouldn’t know my attitude. It is important to a person to know who he/she is. As I take this course, I realize that intelligence is nothing if you haven’t got a good character. Now, I ready myself to learn new ways to develop my character through the course, values education.

2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

I mingle to the right persons and follow the school rules. I will also study harder because there is a big difference between the study in high school and in college. I will be more careful to my every decision in college. One wrong decision will lead me to a complicated situation.

3. Analyze your readiness for college using the checklist “making transition from high school to college”.

If I will grade myself readiness from 1 to 10, 10 as highest, I think my score is 7. This is because I am only a freshmen and I need to learn more in college. But in the brighter side, I’m coping up with my studies.